Learn, Grow, Eat, & Go (LGEG) combines gardening, nutrient-dense food experiences, physical activity, and family engagement and virtual learning! Youth will better understand plants and help plants provide for people’s needs. Taught virtually by our local Master Gardener’s and Extension Agents the six week learning series will lead youth through our hands-on lessons by guiding them through the steps of establishing a thriving container garden that is easy to create and maintain, no matter if students are at home.
Grade Level – LGEG is geared specifically for students in grades 3-5.
Date & Time: March 25, 2021, 5:00 pm Mountain time (Us and Canada)
This is a 6-week garden-based, virtually presented learning series.
There will be 2 grab bag pickups dates, these bags will contain video links and supplies to complete container gardening.(March 20th & April 10th)
The videos range from 3-15 minutes to view at their convenience.
Weekly 30-minute check on learning held Thursdays at 5:15