Columbus, Luna County, New Mexico
Coordinates: 31.784707, -107.627674
October 28, 2016
Size: 6 mm
Found while it was running on the ground
Determined by Salvador Vitanza
Confirmed by Jason Botz who, after viewing these images, said: “Casey’s key only distinguishes between M. laticollis and M. angustus for males, and since this is a male, it clearly keys out to M. angustus. The front tarsus is expanded and pilose ventrally, the middle tarsus narrow and spiny-setose. The pronotum is broader than that in the MCZ type, as well as the current crop of BugGuide images for this species, which are all female specimens. Perhaps the males have a broader pronotum in general.”
Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae-Mecysmus angustus-Darkling Beetles (B)
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