Hemiptera-Heteroptera-Miridae-Macrolophus mimuli-Plant Bugs FEMALE (F)

Macrolophus mimuli

Madera Canyon
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Coordinates: 31.713636, -110.872958
Elevation: 5,412 ft
September 24, 2022
Size: 2.5 mm
Found by sweeping vegetation
Determined by Jason T. Botz who said: “Very similar in appearance to two other species, M. lopezi (known from Baja California) and M. saileri (southern AZ, Mexico). Distinguished from M. lopezi “by the larger size, and length of first antennal segment greater than width of vertex.” Distinguished from M. saileri by the narrower head, smaller eyes (length subequal to the preocular distance), and the thinner, less distinct pale median line on the head and pronotum.

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