Take charge of your HEALTH!
The Fit to Grow program is a FREE nutrition and food basics classroom series developed by Texas AgriLife Extension Service specifically for employees for the County of El Paso. Employees attend a 1 hour class each week for 5 weeks.
Topics covered:
• How to build a healthy plate
• Eating the right amount of calories
• Reading food labels and more
• Keeping your food safe
Their benefits:
• Learn how our food choices affect your health
• Learn how some diseases can be better managed or even prevented with basic nutrition changes
• Learn how diet can help to lower or maintain a healthy weight
Sessions will be held once a once a week from 1:30-2:30pm at a convenient location near you, Human Resources office, Sheriff’s training academy or Juvenile Board Room.
As a bonus 3 of the classes will include a gardening component to include topics on; edible gardening in small spaces, growing herbs in containers, planning your fall vegetable garden and one class will include a food tasting/recipe demo with produce provided by El Paso TRUE FOOD, through the Farm to Work Employee Wellness Program.
The Farm to Work Employee Wellness Program is a part of the County’s ongoing focus on employee health and wellness, with the aim of increasing fruit and vegetable intake among County employees by improving convenience and increasing access to locally produced fruits and vegetables. Sign up to receive personal boxed farm shares filled with local and organically grown fruits and vegetables delivered straight to your workplace! For more information visit: https://www.elpasotruefood.com/farm-to-work/
Register for the event here:http://myapps/countytraining/#/TrainingCalendar
Check with your county calendar for specific details! http://intranet/hr/wellness.htm