Hatching in the Classroom
Many Thanks to Young County for these resources.
Congratulations on your first step towards a new and exciting year of curriculum enrichment! The Hatching in the Classroom 4-H School Curriculum Enrichment program is intended as a cooperative effort between a school and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It is designed to supplement and enrich classroom curriculum and compliment TEKS, not replace the required curriculum. The program helps youth develop needed life skills and address critical issues of life through hands-on applications. We are working hard to set up this webpage to serve you.
A huge thank you to Comal County Extension Office for providing many of the resources seen below.
For more information please contact:
Penny Berend
County Extension Agent
Family & Community Health
4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
A huge THANK YOU to our generous donors for donating eggs and resources to our Hatching in the Classroom program!
Fall 2021-2022 Hatch Dates
The office will be hosting Hatching in the Classroom in the Fall and Spring if it is allowed on your campus. If you are interested in hosting a hatching program please call or email Penny Berend!
Previous Hatch Chick Videos and Pictures
Our chicks that hatched this Spring are growing big and strong! Below are videos and pictures of them!
The 8-week old chicks eating dinner.
Educational Resources
Upon request all of our teachers will receive a Hatching in the Classroom resource binder during their hatch. Below are these same resources – and additional curriculum to utilize in your classroom.
Important Documents
Teacher Letter
Group Enrollment Form – Fillable PDF – Please fill out Page 1 and Page 2 of the form and give it to Penny when she drops off supplies, via email to penny.berend@ag.tamu.edu, or fax 940-549-8140. When filling the form out, please include any student who will be a part of the Hatching in the Classroom program. The Group Enrollment Form is a fillable PDF. If you have any problems, please let Penny know.
Parent Letter – Please distribute to the parents/guardians of your students.
Student Evaluation (Pre and Post Test) – This is the pre and post-test that students will need to take before and after they participate in the program. Please print enough for all of your students or contact the Extension Office for copies to be made for your class.
4-H Documents
To use the above flyers and crafts, please download the documents below:
Curriculum – Class Sets
In addition to the curriculum listed below, we also have laminated Parent/Offspring Card sets and a Countdown to Hatch set available to teachers during the duration of their hatch. These are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact Penny Berend for availability.
The Countdown to Hatch set helps build suspense for students by allowing them a daily sneak peek at embryo development inside a fertile egg. The kit contains 21 plastic eggs containing a picture of the developing chick with a summary of the developmental milestones reached each day. Open one egg each day for the course of 21 days to demonstrate the 21-day hatching cycle. *You can open the weekend eggs on the Friday before or the Monday after each weekend. If you would like to download and create your own class set, here is the link.
- When you open the last egg, discuss the process that you have observed over the last few weeks and what the chick will need now that it has hatched. Go through all of the eggs again and recall the process. What were the most exciting parts? What did students learn about embryo development and living things? What physical traits will help chicks stay alive after they have hatched?
The Parent/Offspring Card sets include 9 full-color, laminated pictures of common chicken breeds that can be used to highlight similarities and differences between parents and offspring and to discuss inherited traits. If you would like to download and create your own class set, here is the link.
- Use this class set to compare and contrast the chicks to its parents. On the board, have students make a list of similarities and differences. Examine the list of differences. Ask students to point out which differences they think might turn into similarities as the chick grows and which traits will stay different.
- Break students into groups and distribute the remaining cards to each group. Have the groups discuss the similarities and differences they can identify and have them list the traits they think will change with maturity and which ones will stay the same. Each group should be given time to make a brief presentation to the class.
Curriculum – For Download
Hatching Chicks Observation Book – This is a book that you can print out and have your students color and put together on their own. They will have the opportunity to make observations on different days during the project, make predictions, and draw pictures of the chicks that are developing.
Poultry Reader – This printable four-page reader from the National Ag in the Classroom website is packed with information about chickens, turkeys, and other poultry. Use this reader to share information about the parts of an egg, poultry-related careers, the diets of chickens, and more.
Eggology – This lesson from National Ag in the Classroom includes a PowerPoint, diagram, activity sheet, and student book which help introduce the parts of an egg and hatching eggs in the classroom.
The Incredible Egg – This is a great resource that takes Hatching in the Classroom concepts and integrates them into easy-to-use math, science, and language arts lessons. You can use all of the lessons or pick and choose which will work best for your classroom!
The Chick Story – The Chick Story is a project students where students will imagine they are a chick hatching from an egg. They will cut out an egg pattern, write a story about their experience, color themselves as a chick and create a small diagram (shown below) to share.
Eggs: From Hen to Home: The maze from this lesson is a fun and educational opportunity for students to learn the steps an egg follows on the journey from the hen to home. Students can trace the steps through the maze and color/label each of the steps along the way.
Matching Egg Colors and Breeds:
Books About Eggs, Chicks, and Chickens
Check back soon to see our recommendations of books to read or share with your librarian!
Basic Information and Guidelines
How to Make an Egg Candler (TAMU)
Removing Turners from Incubators
Making a Brooder for Newly Hatched Chicks (TAMU)
Incubator Instruction Manuals
IncuView Incubator Instruction Manual
Hova-Bator Incubator Instruction Manual
Yellow Turner- Hova-Bator Instructions
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Resources
Egg to Chick Project Checklist
Hatching Eggs in the Classroom- A Teacher’s Guide
Egg to Chick: Classroom Experiments
Educational Videos
The Chicken Embryo Development video, developed by Poultry Hub Australia, details day-to-day development within a chicken egg.
Below are tips on what to look for when your chicks are in the Brooder Box. You can adjust the heater if necessary to keep them content.