Community and Economic Development

The Community & Economic Development Program in El Paso focuses on a variety of topics that affect El Paso County resident’s everyday lives.  First and foremost, we provide research based information and educational programs and opportunities.

This program provides technical and educational assistance to low-income, agricultural and traditional business clientele to help them establish programs by way of mass marketing social networking, information delivery on small business and community & economic development opportunities.
Businesses In Development (BID) Academy, Home Energy Audit Business Program, Business planning assistance, Small Business lending assistance, Home ownership, Foreclosure prevention, Financial Literacy training, and Youth Entrepreneurship.

Building capacity in the El Paso County community, allowing underserved communities to receive skill training and certifications

Our staff provides group training that includes farm planning, farm income, alternative crops, niche markets, product quality, product distribution, farm policies, global markets, debt management, accounting, business management and financial forecasting for small farmers.

CED staff provides insight on the local business climate and feasibility of the proposed business idea or expansion and provide local government and community analysis of critical economic development issues

The Community and Economic Development Unit serves as a resource and assistance center for limited resource families and individuals in pursuit of increasing their standard of living through entrepreneurship, community program participation, home ownership, and government assistance programs

Primarily the Community & Economic Development (CED) staff offers professional consultation and technical assistance for entrepreneurs and community organizations looking to start or expand their operation

Specific program opportunities:

  • Small Business/Agribusiness Lending Seminars, one on one assistance
  • Farmers Market Workshop – Management, grower, association, etc.

Small Business/Agribusiness Partners:

Mission Valley Historical Links:

University/Extension Links:






Extension Agent- CED
Cooperative Extension Program
Prairie View A&M – El Paso County
Ascarate Annex
301 Manny Martinez
2nd Floor
El Paso, TX. 79905
Ph: (915) 771-2354
Fax: (915) 771-2356


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