Master Wellness Volunteers

Master Wellness Volunteer Program

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service  is committed to “Improving Lives, Improving Texas” through relevant, research-based education. One of AgriLife Extension’s high-priority issues is helping Texans improve their health. Research shows at least 50% of health status is due to lifestyle factors such as not using tobacco, being physically active, maintaining a normal weight and good nutrition, among many others. AgriLife Extension has numerous programs to help Texans learn and adopt behaviors that can positively impact their health and wellness. The challenge faced by the El Paso County Extension Agents is diffusing these programs among the audiences who are in need of such education.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is expanding the reach of its health and nutrition programs through Master Wellness Volunteers. Master Wellness Volunteers receive 40 hours of education related to wellness, nutrition, childhood health, food safety, healthy food preparation, public speaking and much more. The training is conducted by County Extension Agents and health professionals who have access to the latest research based information in the area of health and wellness. In return, volunteers are asked to give 40 hours of volunteer service to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

The volunteer opportunities are diverse-giving presentations for local community groups, assisting with healthy cooking demonstrations, distributing information at health fairs, working with schools and after school programs and data entry. Previous health or wellness training is not required but an interest in living healthfully and helping others do the same is. But why not listen to what the volunteers themselves have to say about the program?

For more information about the Master Wellness Volunteer program, contact us at (915) 273-3502 X 2321 or email us at

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